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Voice Over - Private

MapleShine voice acting course will let your child be the audio superstar they've always wanted to be, as well as improving self-discipline, creativity and self-confidence. 




❖Every Monday at 7:00-7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

❖4-week course
❖One 30-minute session every week 
❖Class starts in 2 weeks after payment


After the payment, you will get an email about how to log in to the MapleShine online class in 1-3 business days.



Class Description

  1. Learn foundations of voice work and drama
  2. Learn dramatic expression
  3. How to interpret a role all while producing clear and crisp diction
  4. Study the script and characters
  5. Continue practice after class
  6. Complete the final recording to share with your family and friends

Voice Over - Private

  • Only the students who are not able to participate in the course due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control (e.g. medical conditions,  or family emergency) may be eligible for remaining balance refund in proportion.


    MapleShine Education Canada Inc. will do everything possible to avoid course cancellations; however MapleShine Education Canada Inc. reserves the right to cancel the course (before and during the course) for any reasons. In this circumstance, MapleShine Education Canada Inc. accommodates the student in an alternate course or provides the student the remaining balance refund at his/her discretion.

  • ❖ For semi-private and group class, student can make up the missed session by watching the video recording. MapleShine will not provide any interactive class to make up the missed session. 
    ❖ For private class, student can contact MapleShine customer service at least one week in advance to reschedule the session which is going to be missed.

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